Phone number to norton lifelock
Phone number to norton lifelock

phone number to norton lifelock

For the most part it leaves you feeling they are trying more to avoid you then actually opening up a way for you to communicate. And then you have the chat window which for me never opened up but would not be much different the chatting with some one on the phone. Not all of us use facebook and or twitter Nor do I wish to be communicating with LifeLock on these platforms. The option given to contact support leads you back to a phone call which I will get into later, Facebook and twitter which I find extremely unsettling that a company that is protecting us from fraud chooses to use social media to allow contact for support. There is no way after logging in within your account to send a message to Lifelock, you have to visit another web site, create and account and login again.

phone number to norton lifelock

Lots of things have changed in the web development part of their business and one things I don't like is, being on their web site you notice you really have to look hard within your account to contact customer support and you come to the realization you can't. I think the merger of these two companies has literally wrecked the Lifelock brand and the level of customer service you will receive based on my experiences over the last 3 months which have been unconscionable coming from a company that is left to be responsible for the security of your personal information and identity of millions of people. I purchased Lifelock services specifically for the services they offered not to purchase internet security for my personal PC.

Phone number to norton lifelock